How to Find a Publication Date on a Website
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If you are looking for statistics, news about terrorism, or current scientific research, information published in 2007 may not be as reliable as data from 2015. This might relate to a time when the file was restored from a backup copy, or a time when the file was edited on the server without making any change to the content, or a time when it was uploaded onto the server, possibly replacing an older identical copy. Just try these methods first, you will never get disappointed.
Most blogs and news websites place the publication date near the title or byline. It seems to me that some sites actually go through a lot of trouble to remove the dates. You are not guaranteed an answer, however, and the older the website is the lower your chances.
How to Find a Publication Date on a Website - No, you cannot know when a page was last updated or last changed or uploaded to a server which might, depending on interpretation, be three different things just by accessing the page.
Every article published publicly on the web has a published and last updated date attached to it. In addition to these two dates, there is also a indexed date shown in the search results. Whether you are a webmaster or a user, sometimes you may need one of these dates for various purposes like citing or linking on your page or for content validation. Indexed date — date on which the search engine crawler indexes the page for public display in search results. Usage of These Dates Generally all blog posts should have published or last updated date so that viewers can understand the validity of the content easily. Or else the current webmaster tools will be having completely different interface than the screenshots shown on the article. How to Find the Last Updated Date of a Web Page? In the above scenario even the initial published date if available on the page may not help much and you may be interested in finding the last updated date of the article. Follow the below methods to find out the last modified date of a web page. Method 1 — Viewing Page Source Right click on the page and view the source, the last updated date if available can be found in one of the tag within … section. You will see a search result displayed with a date at the start of meta description. The date shown in Google search is the last indexed date which should be approximately equal to the last updated date of that web page. WebNots is a knowledge sharing platform for webmasters and tech geeks. We have published 1000+ free articles focusing on website building and technology. We share our experience and knowledge through blog articles, demos, eBooks, videos and glossary terms for the benefit of webmasters and tech community.
How do I find when a web page was last updated?
If you are still not able to find the solo, you can sometimes find it in the browser or in the source code and some methods related to getting the publishing date is discussed below. Sometimes tags contain date information. Or else the current webmaster tools will be having completely different interface than the screenshots shown on the piece. Sometimes tags contain date information. If the content contains a credible date, it may also be a better choice than this server modification method. find web page date Guide to Staying Safe on the Internet — FREE Edition. Look for the publication date somewhere around the title, usually below or to the solo or right.